Genre: Young Adult

Dear Me

by Robin Alexander, narrated by Lori Prince
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Alexis Holt unknowingly meets the woman of her dreams at a party. Unfortunately, Alexis was at the wrong place at the wrong time and walked away from the encounter thinking Stacy Kirkland was an arrogant snob. Alexis knew it wouldn't be the last time she saw Stacy, and she wasn't looking forward to their next meeting.  

Thanks to the internet, Stacy Kirkland already knows who Alexis is before they meet face to face. She's one step ahead of Alexis because Stacy already has a crush on her. There are a couple of problems, though - Stacy's in a relationship that's in the last stages of its demise, and after meeting Alexis, she's pretty certain that Alexis despises her.  

Grab something cool to drink, find a comfortable place, and let Robin Alexander take you on a hilarious journey to happily ever after.