Genre: Mystery

In Plain Sight (A Kate Burkholder Short Mystery)

by Linda Castillo, narrated by Kathleen McInerney
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From Linda Castillo, the New York Times best-selling author of A Gathering of Secrets, comes a new Kate Burkholder short mystery, In Plain Sight: a story of star-crossed love and murder in Amish country.

Seventeen-year-old Amish boy Noah Kline is struck by a car as he walks alongside a dark country road late one night in Painters Mill. Seriously injured, he lapses into a coma.  

Initially, Chief of Police Kate Burkholder believes it's a straightforward hit-and-run, a driver that panicked and fled. But evidence soon emerges that the incident wasn't accidental at all - and Kate uncovers a story of teenage passion and jealousy that may have led to attempted murder.