Genre: Mystery

Deadbomb Bingo Ray

by Jeff Johnson, narrated by Johnny Heller
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Crime. Vengeance. Love. Physics.

The infamous Deadbomb Bingo Ray is a high-level fixer in the City of Brotherly Love. He's the man you call when you've crossed the line into hopeless and there's no way back to anywhere. 

Three years have passed since Ray burned a hedge fund manager on behalf of a pool of retirees, and now the money man is back for revenge. While Ray unravels the plot and orchestrates some payback of his own, he unwittingly steps into the ultimate high-stakes game. Falling in love with the beautiful physicist trapped at the edge of the burn was just bad timing. 

When the fuse is finally lit, getting killed isn't high on the list of the worst that could happen in this dark and stylish noir.